150 Manuscripts Added To vHMML From The Stift Wilhering. Bibliothek Repository

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Stift Wilhering

150 manuscripts added to vHMML from the Stift Wilhering. Bibliothek repository

Posted: 2019-12-09

The Cistercian house at Wilhering has roots going back to 1146, when an earlier Augustinian foundation was given over to this new order. The monastery is located in Upper Austria, just south of the Danube River and a short distance to the west of the provincial capital Linz. Although the house nearly closed during the Reformation, it was revived by the emperor and survived into modern times. Nearly the entire complex burned down in 1733 and was then rebuilt in Rococo style. HMML filmed close to 150 manuscripts at Wilhering. The earliest is an 11th-century hagiographical collection focusing on Saints Afra and Ulrich. Other early books from the 12th century include works by Bernard of Clairvaux and Alcuin of York.

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