

Image Reproduction Services

Cataloged Born-Digital Manuscript Collections
HMML does not sell copies of the born-digital manuscripts in its collections, since these are available for free viewing in HMML Reading Room at In exceptional cases (e.g., for those working on a scholarly text edition), HMML may be able to provide copies of digital images. To inquire about this possibility, complete the Manuscript Image Order Form and note the special circumstances in the Comments field.

Uncataloged Born-Digital Manuscript Collections
Scholars seeking to read uncataloged born-digital manuscripts should contact HMML to have these added to HMML Reading Room at Please complete the Manuscript Image Order Form. These images will become available in HMML Reading Room as staff time permits.

Microfilm Manuscript Collections (excluding EMML microfilms)
Scholars may request a scanned copy of a microfilm from HMML’s manuscript collections using the Manuscript Image Order Form. Duplication of microfilms typically requires permission from the owning partner library. Once the microfilms are scanned, scholars will be sent a URL for downloading the scans. This option is not available for microfilms in HMML’s collection from non-partner libraries. NB: HMML does not scan individual leaves or partial reels.

A $50 processing fee per microfilm reel. There may be additional fees required from the owning partner library. An invoice will be provided, which is payable by credit card, wire transfer, or personal check (drawn on a U.S. bank). Scholars from the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia qualify for a modified fee schedule; inquire for details at

EMML Microfilm Collection
HMML is gradually adding all of the EMML manuscripts to HMML Reading Room at Scholars interested in consulting a manuscript not yet available in HMML Reading Room may send up to three requests using the Manuscript Image Order Form. Scanning of the films and placement of the images will be done as staff time permits. In exceptional cases (e.g., for those working on a scholarly text edition), HMML may be able to provide copies of scanned EMML microfilms. To inquire, complete the Manuscript Image Order Form and note the special circumstances in the Comments field.

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