55 Volumes Of The Parish Archives Of The Sanctuary Of Our Lady Of Divine Grace, Żabbar, Have Been Added To Reading Room.

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Żabbar Parish Archives

55 volumes of the Parish Archives of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Divine Grace, Żabbar, have been added to Reading Room.

Posted: 2020-12-18

55 volumes of the Parish Archives of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Divine Grace, Żabbar, have been added to Reading Room. Records for baptisms, confirmations, marriages, deaths, and legati, 1616-1884. Records also include legati, legati of knights of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, historical notes, and other records. Żabbar became a parish in 1615. The current church was built between 1641 and 1696. The parish also includes St. Mary’s Church, which served as the parish church during the French Occupation from 1798-1800. View now

Image caption: Żabbar Parish Archives

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