8 Manuscripts From The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese Of ʻakkār In Shaykh Ṭābā, Lebanon, Are Now Cataloged In Reading Room

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Headpiece with calligraphy and geometric design, from an Anthologion dated to 1822 (AKKAR 00003)

8 manuscripts from the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of ʻAkkār in Shaykh Ṭābā, Lebanon, are now cataloged in Reading Room

Posted: 2024-05-06

Cataloging is complete for the collection of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of ʻAkkār (AKKAR) in far northern Lebanon. This collection of 8 manuscripts is entirely liturgical, including the basic liturgical books of the Byzantine Rite in their Arabic versions, copied in the 18th and 19th centuries. The colophons and endowment notes testify to the close interactions in the Ottoman period across what is now the international border between Lebanon and Syria: several manuscripts come from the Ṭarṭūs region of coastal Syria, including two copied at the Crusader castle of Chastel Blanc in the town of Ṣāfītā. View now

Image caption: Headpiece with calligraphy and geometric design, from an Anthologion dated to 1822 (AKKAR 00003)

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