Metadata For 241 Manuscripts From The Bistumarchiv Of The Diocese Of Münster In Westfalen, Germany, Is Now Available In Reading Room
Collections News

Metadata for 241 manuscripts from the Bistumarchiv of the Diocese of Münster in Westfalen, Germany, is now available in Reading Room
Posted: 2024-06-05Metadata for 241 manuscripts from the Bistumarchiv of the Diocese of Münster in Westfalen, Germany, has been added to Reading Room. The manuscripts in the archive are divided into three collections, the Domarchiv, the Generalvikariat, and the Pfarrarchiv, the latter which consists of manuscripts from the parishes in the diocese that have been placed on permanent loan in the Bistumarchiv. The archive is incredibly rich in fifteenth-century and sixteenth-century liturgical manuscripts, particularly in graduals, breviaries, antiphonaries, and missals. There are also important church records related to local confraternities and account books and cartularies from the parishes. View now
Image caption: Bistumarchiv of the Diocese of Münster in Westfalen
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