Metadata For 65 Manuscripts At The The Biblioteca Del Monumento Nazionale Dell' Abbazia Della Ss. Trinità Added To vHMML Reading Room

Collections News

Abbey of La Santissima Trinità in Cava de’ Tirreni

Metadata for 65 manuscripts at the the Biblioteca del Monumento nazionale dell' Abbazia della SS. Trinità added to vHMML Reading Room

Posted: 2018-11-14

HMML’s short history of microfilming projects in Italy preceded the initial work in Austria. The Biblioteca del Monumento nazionale dell' Abbazia della SS. Trinità was one of three libraries microfilmed. We have added 65 manuscripts from this collection to vHMML Reading Room, including links to the online digital catalog and online color digital facsimiles hosted by Internet Culturale. You can see records in vHMML Reading Room. View now

Image caption: Abbey of La Santissima Trinità in Cava de’ Tirreni

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