Metadata For 966 Manuscripts From The Series Nova At Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, In Vienna, Austria, Is Now Available In Reading Room

Collections News

Elephas mas, a 16th-century watercolor from Codex Vindobonensis Palatinus. Series nova 2647 (HMML 20882)

Metadata for 966 manuscripts from the Series Nova at Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, in Vienna, Austria, is now available in Reading Room

Posted: 2025-03-04

The Hill Museum & Manuscript Library (HMML) is delighted to announce completion of processing for records from the Series nova (new series) of manuscripts at the Austrian National Library. HMML filmed approximately 966 manuscripts in this collection, including fragments, later acquisitions (after 1870) of the National Library, and collections of historical documents and manuscripts that are important to the study of Austrian history.

Highlights include a 16th-century collection of watercolor depictions of animals that are much more accurate that most found in medieval sources (CVP S.n. 2647; HMML 20882) and a significant treatise on surgery by Zahrāwī, Abū al-Qāsim Khalaf ibn ʻAbbās (CVP S.n. 2641; HMML 20883), along with numerous illuminated books of hours and prayer books. Historical collections include several 17th-century volumes collected by Franz Christoph Khevenhüller and dedicated to the life of Emperor Ferdinand II (Annales Ferdinandei; e.g., HMML 20639), as well as notes, essays, and related materials on European history collected by Joseph von Sartori in the early 19th century (e.g., HMML 25516). The collection also includes several catalogs, concordances, and other early descriptions of materials in the manuscript collections at the Austrian National Library.

Throughout this collection, HMML has added links to catalog records at the Austrian National Library, as well as any links to digital copies available online.

Image caption: Elephas mas, a 16th-century watercolor from Codex Vindobonensis Palatinus. Series nova 2647 (HMML 20882)

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