Metadata From 878 Volumes Of The Archivum Cathedralis Melitensis Official Records Section Of The Cathedral Archives Of Mdina, Malta, Have Been Added To vHMML Reading Room

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Archivum Cathedralis Melitensis

Metadata from 878 volumes of the Archivum Cathedralis Melitensis Official Records Section of the Cathedral Archives of Mdina, Malta, have been added to vHMML Reading Room

Posted: 2019-04-10

Metadata from 878 volumes of the Archivum Cathedralis Melitensis Official Records Section of the Cathedral Archives of Mdina, Malta, have been added to vHMML Reading Room. The Archivum Cathedralis Melitensis Official Records comprise the official records of the Cathedral Chapter meetings and the various administrations of the Chapter. The officials of the Chapter included the chancellor (who was often a notary whose acts acquired legal value), two procurators (one chosen by the bishop and one by the Chapter), a depositario, a deputy for the archives, a deputy for music, and other minor officials. The minutes of the Chapter meeting of 1419 are the oldest records of this division. This group is made up of 24 sections. View now

Image caption: Archivum Cathedralis Melitensis

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