HMML Staff Publications
HMML Staff Publications
Scholarly publications, by HMML staff and associates, about the HMML collections.
Publications from 2024
Belcher, Wendy Laura, Jeremy Brown, Mehari Worku, Dawit Muluneh, and Evgeniia Lambrinaki. “The Ethiopian Stories about the Miracles of the Virgin Mary (Täˀammərä Maryam).” In Ethiopia at the Crossroads: Exhibition Catalogue. Edited by Christine Sciacca, 299-305. New Haven, CT: Yale Univiersity Press, 2024. https:// 9780300272796/ ethiopia-at-the-crossroads/ -
Gullo, Daniel K., Emanuel Buttigieg, and Katherine Blanks. Mediterranean Travel: Peoples, Places, and Encounters. Introduction by Kiril Petkov and edited by Steven Gill. Collegeville, MN: Hill Museum & Manuscript Library, 2024.
Gullo, Daniel K. “Private Collections, Collectors, and the Cultural Heritage of the Order of St John of Jerusalem.” In Malta and the Sovereign Order Of Malta Historic Relations, Future Histories. The Presidency Culture Symposia Series, 13 October 2021, 63-76. Valletta: Office of the Presidency of Malta, 2024.
Gullo, Daniel K. and Emanuel Buttigieg. “Re-imagining Hospitaller Valletta and the Mediterranean in Four Early Modern Maps from the Albert Ganado Malta Map Collection (MUŻA).” In Germania et Italia. Liber amicorum Hubert Houben. Edited by Francesco Filotico, Lioba Geis, Francesco Somaini. 2 volumes, II: 729-744. Salento: Università del Salento, 2024.
Gullo, Daniel K. “Virtual Structures: Digital Preservation of Hospitaller Architectural History.” In Lexicon. Speciale n. 5. L’Ordine di Malta e la Lingua D’Italia. Architettura e temi decorativi dalla Controriforma al Settecento. Edited by Federico Bulfone Gransinigh, Valentina Burgassi, Daniel K. Gullo, and Alessandro Spila. Palermo: Edizioni Caracol, 2024.
Publications from 2023
Calabro, David, Ali Diakite and Paul Naylor. “HMML’s Model for Standardized Metadata of West African Manuscripts.” In Manuscripts and Arabic-Script Writing in Africa. Edited by Charles Stewart and Ahmed Chaouki Binebine, 278-296. al-Iskandarīyah, Miṣr: Hayʼat al-Makhṭūṭāt al-Islāmīyah bi-al-taʻāwun maʻa Maktabat al-Iskandarīyah, 2023. https:// publications/ publications.aspx -
Diakite, Ali, and Paul Naylor. “Medical and Pharmacological Remedies with Qurʾanic Verses in Nineteenth-Century Manuscripts from Timbuktu.” In Soul and Body Diseases, Remedies and Healing in Middle Eastern Religious Cultures and Traditions, 356-369. Leiden: Brill, 2023. https:// display/ title/ 65091 -
Mugler, Joshua. “Eastern Christian and Islamic Manuscripts in Minnesota: Handwritten, Microfilm, and Digital.” Manuscript Studies 8/2 (2023): 376-386. https:// 10.1353/ mns.2023.a916137 -
Yaqob, Zara and Walda Heywat. The Hatata Inquiries: Two Texts of Seventeenth-Century African Philosophy from Ethiopia about Reason, the Creator, and Our Ethical Responsibilities. Translated and edited by Ralph Lee, Mehari Worku, Wendy Laura Belcher and Jeremy R. Brown. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2024. https:// document/ doi/ 10.1515/ 9783110781922/ html -
Publications from 2022
Erho Ted and Ralph Lee. “References to the Shepherd of Hermas at the Monastery of Gunda Gundē.” Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 98/3 (2022): 451-461. https:// 10.2143/ ETL.98.3.3290971 -
Gullo, Daniel, K. “Identifying the Knights. Database Management and Authority Files for Person and Family Names in HMML’s Reading Room.” Cahiers de la Méditerranée 104 (2022): 17-27. https:// 10.4000/ cdlm.15485 -
Gullo, Daniel K. and Denise Soufi. “The HMML Authority File: Current Status and Future Directions.” Manuscript Studies 7/2 (2022): 335-340. https:// 10.1353/ mns.2022.0019 -
Vanesio, Valeria. “Rediscovering the Archival History of the Order of Saint John: the Proofs of Admission of the Langue of Italy (c.15th-18th century).” Cahiers de la Méditerranée 104 (2022): 27-50. https:// 10.4000/ cdlm.15509 -
Publications from 2021
Mugler, Joshua, ed. and trans. “The Life of Christopher.” al-ʻUṣūr al-Wusṭā 29 (2021): 112-180. https:// 10.52214/ uw.v29i1.8898 -
Publications from 2020
Mugler, Joshua. “Ibrāhīm ibn Yūḥannā and the Translation Projects of Byzantine Antioch.” In Patristic Literature in Arabic Translations. Edited by Barbara Roggema and Alexander Treiger, 180-197. Leiden: Brill, 2020. https:// 10.1163/ 9789004415041_008 -
Publications from 2018
Stewart, Columba. Giving Voice to Ancient Texts: Manuscript Scholarship in the Digital Era,” International Journal of Middle East Studies 50 (2018):119-122.
Publications from 2017
Gullo, Daniel K. “Noticias adquiridas de 4 Embarcaciones los dias 27., 28. de Abril de 1733 por esta escuadra Bageles del Rey, y dela Religione hallándose a corta distancia dela Pantalaria.” In Malta Land of Sea. Edited by Sandro Debono, 106-107. Valletta, Midsea Books, 2017.
Gullo, Daniel K. “Journal de la Campagne de la Fregatte l'Iris commandèe pour M. Le Commandeur de Ligondès Capitaine des Vaisseux du Roi.” In Malta Land of Sea. Edited by Sandro Debono, 174-175. Valletta, Midsea Books, 2017.
Gullo, Daniel K. “Discorso intorno al supplemento del recinto della Città Valletta.” In Malta Land of Sea. Edited by Sandro Debono, 178-179. Valletta, Midsea Books, 2017.
Stewart, Columba. “Psalms and Prayer in Syriac Monasticism: Clues from Psalter Prefaces and their Greek Sources.” In Prayer and Worship in Eastern Christianities, 5th to 11th Centuries. Edited by Brouria Bitton-Ashkelony and Derek Krueger. New York: Routledge, 2017.
Stewart, Columba. “An Update on the Digitization and Cataloging Work of the Hill Museum & Manuscript Library (HMML),” ХРИСТIАНСКIЙ ВОСТОКЪ 8 (14): 153-170.
Stewart, Columba. “A Brief History of the Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library (EMML).” In Studies in Ethiopian Languages, Literature, and History. Festchrift for Getatchew Haile Presented by his Friends and Colleagues, Äthiopistische Forschungen 83, ed. Adam Carter McCollum (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz), 447-472.
Publications from 2016
Stewart, Columba. “Evagrius beyond Byzantium: The Latin and Syriac Receptions.” In Evagrius and His Legacy. Edited by Joel Kalvesmaki and Robin Darling Young, 206-235. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2016.
Publications from 2015
Gullo, Daniel K. Knights, Memory, and the Siege of 1565: An Exhibition on the 450th Anniversary of the Great Siege of Malta. Introduction by Emanuel Buttigieg. Collegeville, MN: Hill Museum & Manuscript Library, 2015.
Stewart, Columba. “HMML and Syriac Manuscripts.” In Manuscripta Syriaca. Des Sources de Première Main. Edited by Françoise Briquel Chatonnet and Muriel Debié, 49-63. Paris: Geuthner, 2015.
Stewart, Columba. “Patristics beyond ‘East’ and ‘West.’” In Patristic Studies in the Twenty-First Century: Proceedings of an International Conference to Mark the 50th Anniversary of the International Association of Patristic Studies. Edited by Brouria Bitton-Ashkelony, Theodore De Bruyn, and Carol Harrison, 317-341. Turnhout: Brepols, 2015.
Publications from 2014
Gullo, Daniel K. “Reflections on the Transmission of Bonaventure's Commentary on the Sentences: A Fourteenth-Century Fragment in the Biblioteca de la Universitat de Barcelona.” Franciscan Studies 72 (2014): 129-151. https:// stable/ 44653277 -
Publications from 2008
Stewart, Columba. “Yours, Mine, or Theirs? Historical Observations on the Use, Collection, and Sharing of Manuscripts in Western Europe and the Christian Orient.” In Malphono w-Rabo d-Malphone: Studies in Honor of Sebastian P. Brock. Edited by George Anton Kiraz, 603-630. Piscataway, NJ : Gorgias Press, 2008.
Publications from 2007
Azzopardi, John, Franco Bruni, and Joseph Vella Bondin. The Nani Composers (XVIII-XX cent.). A Historical Assessment and Catalogue of their Works. Catalog of the Music Archives of the Malta Cathedral Museum, vol. 4. Collegeville, MN: Hill Monastic Manuscript Library; Mdina, Cathedral Museum, 2007. https:// details/ TheNaniComposers/ mode/ 2up
Publications from 2001
Azzopardi, John and Matteo Sansone. Italian and Maltese Music in the Archives at the Cathedral Museum of Malta. Catalog of the Music Archives of the Malta Cathedral Museum, vol. 1. Collegeville, MN: Hill Monastic Manuscript Library; Mdina, Cathedral Museum, 2001. https:// details/ MMMLMusicArchivesMalta01/ mode/ 2up
Publications from 1997
Bruni, Franco. The Vella Composers. Catalog of the Music Archives of the Malta Cathedral Museum, vol. 2. Collegeville, MN: Hill Monastic Manuscript Library; Mdina, Cathedral Museum, 1997. https:// details/ TheVellaComposers/ mode/ 2up
Publications from 1993
Haile, Getatchew. A Catalogue of Ethiopian Manuscripts Microfilmed for the Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library, Addis Ababa, and for the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, Collegeville, vol. X: Project Numbers 4001-5000. Collegeville, MN: Hill Monastic Manuscript Library. 1993. https:// details/ EMMLCatalog10
Publications from 1992
Fiorini, Stanley. The “Mandati” Documents at the Archives of the Mdina Cathedral, Malta, 1473-1539. Collegeville, MN: Hill Monastic Manuscript Library; Mdina, Cathedral Museum, 1992. https:// details/ MMMLMandatiMalta/ mode/ 2up
Publications from 1991
De Gabriele, Marcel. Carmelo Pace, a Maltese Composer: Thematic, Annotated, and Illustrated Catalogue of Works. Catalog of the Music Archives of the Malta Cathedral Museum, vol. 3. Collegeville, MN: Hill Monastic Manuscript Library; Mdina, Malta: Foundation for the Promotion of the Music of Carmelo Pace, Cathedral Museum, 1991. https:// details/ MMMLMusicArchivesMalta03Pace
Publications from 1990
Amos, Thomas L. The Fundo Alcobaça of the Biblioteca Nacional, Lisbon, vol. III: Manuscripts 302-456 [and] Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga. Collegeville, MN: Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, 1990. https:// details/ HMMLAlcobaca3
Publications from 1989
Amos, Thomas L. The Fundo Alcobaça of the Biblioteca Nacional, Lisbon, vol. II: Manuscripts 151-301. Collegeville, MN: Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, 1989. https:// details/ HMMLAlcobaca2
Publications from 1988
Amos, Thomas L. The Fundo Alcobaça of the Biblioteca Nacional, Lisbon, vol. I: Manuscripts 1-150. Collegeville, MN: Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, 1988. https:// details/ HMMLAlcobaca1
Galea, Josph. An Inventory of the Manuscript Volumes of the “Spoils” (1549-1772) Preserved in the Archives of the Cathedral Museum, Mdina - Malta. Malta Study Center Publications. Collegeville, MN: Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, 1988.
details/ MMMLMaltaSpoils
Publications from 1987
Haile, Getatchew. A Catalogue of Ethiopian Manuscripts Microfilmed for the Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library, Addis Ababa, and for the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, Collegeville, vol. IX: Project Numbers 3501-4000. Collegeville, MN: Hill Monastic Manuscript Library. 1987. https:// details/ EMMLCatalog09
Publications from 1985
Haile, Getatchew. A Catalogue of Ethiopian Manuscripts Microfilmed for the Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library, Addis Ababa, and for the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, Collegeville, vol. VIII: Project Numbers 3001-3500. Collegeville, MN: Hill Monastic Manuscript Library. 1985. https:// details/ EMMLCatalog08
Jeffery, Peter and Donald Yates. Descriptive Inventories of Manuscripts Microfilmed for the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, Austrian Libraries, vol. II. Collegeville, MN: Hill Monastic Manuscript Library. 1985.
Mayo, Hope. Descriptive Inventories of Manuscripts Microfilmed for the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, Austrian Libraries, vol. III. Collegeville, MN: Hill Monastic Manuscript Library. 1985.
Publications from 1983
Haile, Getatchew and William F. Macomber. A Catalogue of Ethiopian Manuscripts Microfilmed for the Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library, Addis Ababa, and for the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, Collegeville, vol. VII: Project Numbers 2501-3000. Collegeville, MN: Hill Monastic Manuscript Library. 1983. https:// details/ EMMLCatalog07
Publications from 1982
Haile, Getatchew and William F. Macomber. A Catalogue of Ethiopian Manuscripts Microfilmed for the Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library, Addis Ababa, and for the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, Collegeville, vol. VI: Project Numbers 2001-2500. Collegeville, MN: Hill Monastic Manuscript Library. 1982. https:// details/ EMMLCatalog06
Publications from 1981
Haile, Getatchew and William F. Macomber. A Catalogue of Ethiopian Manuscripts Microfilmed for the Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library, Addis Ababa, and for the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, Collegeville, vol. V: Project Numbers 1501-2000. Collegeville, MN: Hill Monastic Manuscript Library. 1981. https:// details/ EMMLCatalog05
Yates, Donald. Descriptive Inventories of Manuscripts Microfilmed for the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, Austrian Libraries, vol. I. Collegeville, MN: Hill Monastic Manuscript Library. 1981.
Publications from 1979
Haile, Getatchew. A Catalogue of Ethiopian Manuscripts Microfilmed for the Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library, Addis Ababa, and for the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, Collegeville, vol. IV: Project Numbers 1101-1500. Collegeville, MN: Hill Monastic Manuscript Library. 1979. https:// details/ EMMLCatalog04
Macomber, William. Catalogue of Ethiopian manuscripts from Abbā Garimā, As̆atan. Collegeville, MN: Hill Monastic Manuscript Library. 1979. https:// details/ macomber-catalogue-eth-mss-abba-garima
Publications from 1978
Macomber, William F. A catalogue of Ethiopian manuscripts microfilmed for the Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library, Addis Ababa, and for the Monastic Manuscript Microfilm Library, Collegeville, vol. III: Project Numbers 701-1100 Collegeville, MN: Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, 1978.
Plante, Julian. Checklist of Manuscripts Microfilmed for the Hill Monastic Manuscript Microfilm Library. Vol. 2, Spain. Collegeville, MN: Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, 1978.
Publications from 1977
Azzopardi, John. Archives of the Cathedral of Malta, Misc. 32A: 1313-1529: The Study and Text of an Eighteenth-Century Index of Transcripts. Malta Study Center Publications. Collegeville, MN: Hill Monastic Manuscript Library; Mdina, Cathedral Museum, 1977. https:// details/ MMMLMaltaArchivesMISC32A/ mode/ 2up
Publications from 1976
Macomber, William F. A Catalogue of Ethiopian Manuscripts Microfilmed for the Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library, Addis Ababa, and for the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, Collegeville, vol. II: Project Numbers 301-700. Collegeville, MN: Hill Monastic Manuscript Library. 1976. https:// details/ EMMLCatalog02
Publications from 1975
Azzopardi, John. Handlist Of The Episcopal And Pro-Vicarial Archives (Curia Episcopalis Melitensis or CEM ARCHIVES) at the Malta Cathedral Museum. Malta Study Center Publications. Collegeville, MN: Monastic Manuscript Microfilm Library [Hill Monastic Manuscript Library], 1975. https:// details/ HandlistOfTheEpiscopal AndProVicarialArchives
Macomber, William F. A Catalogue of Ethiopian Manuscripts Microfilmed for the Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library, Addis Ababa, and for the Monastic Manuscript Microfilm Library, Collegeville, vol. I: Project Numbers 1-300. Collegeville, MN: Monastic Manuscript Microfilm Library. 1975.
Publications from 1974
Plante, Julian G. Checklist of Manuscripts Microfilmed for the Monastic Manuscript Microfilm Library, Saint John's University, Collegeville, Minnesota. Vol. I: Austrian Monasteries: Part 2. Collegeville, MN: Monastic Manuscript Microfilm Library [Hill Monastic Manuscript Library], 1974. https:// details/ HMMLAustriaChecklist1_2/ mode/ 2up
Publications from 1967
Plante, Julian G. Checklist of Manuscripts Microfilmed for the Monastic Manuscript Microfilm Library, Saint John's University, Collegeville, Minnesota. Vol. I: Austrian Monasteries: Part 1. Collegeville, MN: Monastic Manuscript Microfilm Library [Hill Monastic Manuscript Library], 1967. https:// details/ HMMLAustriaChecklist1_1