HMML Global Operations: Egypt


  • Region

  • Country

  • Cities

    Wadi al-Natrun
  • Repositories

    Saint Macarius Monastery (Dayr Qiddīs Anbā Maqqār)
  • Languages

    Coptic, Arabic
  • Project Dates


HMML works with the Monastery of Saint Macarius (Dayr Qiddīs Anbā Maqqār) in the desert of Wadi al-Natrun, the ancient site of Scetis, to digitize their collection of more than 500 Coptic manuscripts. They range from 8th-century fragments discovered in the 1970s to beautifully illuminated works of the 13th and 14th centuries, and more recent manuscripts. The Coptic Christian tradition of Egypt is both ancient and flourishing, especially in the Coptic diaspora in Australia and the United States. The Coptic language is a late form of the ancient language represented in Egyptian hieroglyphs. No longer spoken as a living language, Coptic endures in the liturgy and in the thousands of original texts and translations found in manuscripts. The Saint Macarius Monastery, one of three important early Christian monastic centers located in the Nitrian Desert, holds a collection critical to the understanding of the formation of early Christian traditions connected to other monastic centers in the Middle East and Africa.

Coptic manuscript, in the collection of Saint Macarius (<a href=''>ABMQ 00013</a>)
Coptic manuscript, in the collection of Saint Macarius (ABMQ 00013)
Father Bartholomew al-Maqari digitizing manuscripts at Saint Macarius Monastery, Wadi al-Natrun, Egypt. Photograph by Columba Stewart.
Father Bartholomew al-Maqari digitizing manuscripts at Saint Macarius Monastery, Wadi al-Natrun, Egypt. Photograph by Columba Stewart.
Columba Stewart speaking with two monks at Saint Macarius Monastery Wadi al-Natrun, Egypt. Photograph by Walid Mourad.
Columba Stewart speaking with two monks at Saint Macarius Monastery Wadi al-Natrun, Egypt. Photograph by Walid Mourad.
14th-c. Coptic manuscript, collection of Saint Macarius (<a href=''>ABMQ 00017</a>)
14th-c. Coptic manuscript, collection of Saint Macarius (ABMQ 00017)
Manuscript in the collection of Saint Macarius (<a href=''>ABMQ 00018</a>)
Manuscript in the collection of Saint Macarius (ABMQ 00018)
Monks of Saint Macarius digitizing manuscripts in their collection, with Walid Mourad, HMML director of field operations for the Middle East, Africa, & South Asia
Monks of Saint Macarius digitizing manuscripts in their collection, with Walid Mourad, HMML director of field operations for the Middle East, Africa, & South Asia
Manuscript in the collection of Saint Macarius, written in Coptic and Arabic (<a href=''>ABMQ 00407</a>)
Manuscript in the collection of Saint Macarius, written in Coptic and Arabic (ABMQ 00407)
Manuscript in the collection of Saint Macarius, written in Coptic and Arabic (<a href=''>ABMQ 00018</a>)
Manuscript in the collection of Saint Macarius, written in Coptic and Arabic (ABMQ 00018)
Columba Stewart at St. Macarius
Columba Stewart at St. Macarius
Manuscript in the collection of Saint Macarius, written in Coptic and Arabic (<a href=''>ABMQ 00368</a>)
Manuscript in the collection of Saint Macarius, written in Coptic and Arabic (ABMQ 00368)

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