Collections News (page 1)
Collections News (page 1)
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Metadata for 503 manuscripts from Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Jena, Germany, has been added to HMML Reading Room. The manuscript collection includes a wealth of material from the medieval and early modern period. The library is rich in its late fifteenth-century illuminated French translations of medieval and classical works prepared for the Court of Burgundy. Several illuminated choir books by Petrus Alamire from the sixteenth century also stand out. Central to the library's collection are the early works of Martin Luther and other Protestant Reformers prepared by Georg Rörer to support the early publication of Luther's works in Germany. View now
The Hill Museum & Manuscript Library (HMML) is delighted to announce completion of processing for records from the Series nova (new series) of manuscripts at the Austrian National Library. HMML filmed approximately 966 manuscripts in this collection, including fragments, later acquisitions (after 1870) of the National Library, and collections of historical documents and manuscripts that are important to the study of Austrian history.
Highlights include a 16th-century collection of watercolor depictions of animals that are much more accurate that most found in medieval sources (CVP S.n. 2647; HMML 20882) and a significant treatise on surgery by Zahrāwī, Abū al-Qāsim Khalaf ibn ʻAbbās (CVP S.n. 2641; HMML 20883), along with numerous illuminated books of hours and prayer books. Historical collections include several 17th-century volumes collected by Franz Christoph Khevenhüller and dedicated to the life of Emperor Ferdinand II (Annales Ferdinandei; e.g., HMML 20639), as well as notes, essays, and related materials on European history collected by Joseph von Sartori in the early 19th century (e.g., HMML 25516). The collection also includes several catalogs, concordances, and other early descriptions of materials in the manuscript collections at the Austrian National Library.
Throughout this collection, HMML has added links to catalog records at the Austrian National Library, as well as any links to digital copies available online.
Cataloging is complete for 225 Hebrew-script manuscripts from the collection of the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Austrian National Library). These manuscripts were microfilmed by HMML decades ago and have now been added to Reading Room as updated catalog records.
They feature a variety of religious, philosophical, and scientific works produced by Jewish authors and translators across Western Europe and beyond. Many of the works testify to the fruitful medieval scholarly networks connecting Jews, Christians, and Muslims, all building on the ancient Greek philosophical heritage and producing a large corpus of Hebrew translations from Greek, Arabic, and Latin sources. Other manuscripts bear witness to the persecution of Jewish communities in Europe, as in Cod. Hebr. 16 (microfilm 22034), which was copied in 1299 CE and mentions a pogrom in its colophon. Many of the manuscripts are richly decorated. Most of the texts are in Hebrew, with a significant portion of Aramaic in religious and legal texts, but there are also examples of other languages including Ladino (Judeo-Spanish), Judeo-Arabic, and even one text including Ottoman Turkish in Hebrew script (Cod. Hebr. 212, microfilm 22130). Medieval manuscripts are found alongside modern ones, many of which were gifts to the Austrian emperors from their Jewish subjects in the 18th and 19th centuries. This is the first large corpus of Jewish manuscripts in HMML's Reading Room. View now
When Father Oliver Kapsner, OSB, and his team came to Melk Abbey in late 1965, it was only the fifth library for HMML’s microfilming project, but it was the largest collection they had filmed thus far. In fact, the Melk collection doubled the size of HMML’s holdings at that time.
The Benedictine abbey, founded in 976, possesses a large manuscript collection which has fortunately survived three fires (1297, 1682, 1738). Its collection offers a broad and diverse range of materials, with manuscripts relating to all areas of research. While a few manuscripts date from the 9th to 11th centuries, the bulk of the microfilmed collection dates from the 12th to 16th centuries, including materials associated with the monastic school that flourished at Melk. Many of the later manuscripts reflect the relationship between the Abbey and faculty from the University of Vienna (founded in 1365). View now

Milestone in HMML’s Austrian metadata upgrade
Posted: 2025-02-04With the addition of records for 1,105 manuscripts from Melk Abbey, HMML has reached an important milestone in the improvement of metadata for manuscripts from Austrian libraries. As of January 2025, HMML’s microfilm holdings from all Austrian libraries—except the Austrian National Library (cataloging is underway) and the Mechitarist Library in Vienna—have been added to Reading Room and are available for public use. This includes more than 22,000 manuscripts from 41 Austrian locations, housed in 72 repositories. Metadata for these microfilmed collections is available online in HMML Reading Room.
Cataloging is complete for the 28 microfilm reels of the Donald Davies Microfilm Collection. In 1968, Donald Davies traveled around Ethiopia and Eritrea, microfilming manuscripts with the permission of Abuna Theophilus, the patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tawāḥedo Church. Davies visited 23 churches and monasteries and microfilmed 38 manuscripts. He deposited copies of these photographs on 28 reels of microfilms at HMML, where they have been available for research ever since. In 1979, William F. Macomber cataloged many of these manuscripts in an unpublished handlist: Catalogue of Ethiopian manuscripts from Abbā Garimā, As̆atan (Church of St. Mary), Axum (Church of Zion), Dabra Bizan, Dabra Dāmo, Dabra Libanos, Gunda Gundē, Kebrān, Lālibalā (Church of the Savior of the World, Emmanuel Church), Maqalē, Ura, Kidāna Meḥrat, Monastery of Dabra Dāgā (Church of St. Stephen), Monastery of Lake Zewāy, Dabra Māryām, National Library and Haiq from microfilms in the collection of Dr. Donald Davies, De Land, Florida and Godfrey, Ontario, and of the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, St. John's University, Collegeville, Minnesota. Additional cataloging work on these manuscripts and others has been done by Dr. Jeremy R. Brown, HMML cataloger of Ethiopic manuscripts. The Davies family generously has given permission for this microfilm collection to be made freely available online in Reading Room.
Donald Davies’ goal for his microfilming project was to create a photographic record of the oldest Biblical manuscripts in Ethiopia as witnesses to the early text of the Bible. Because of this goal, his microfilm collection is a treasure trove of some of the earliest witnesses to the Bible in Ge'ez. This includes the famed Gospel manuscripts from Endā Abbā Garimā Monastery (SEP DAVIES 00001) and (SEP DAVIES 00002), a 12th-century Gospel manuscript from Madḫānē Ālam Church in Lālibalā (SEP DAVIES 00023), and a Gospel manuscript from Dabra Māryām dating to the 13th or 14th century (SEP DAVIES 00012). Davies also microfilmed three manuscripts in the famed monastery of Dabra Bizan in Eritrea, providing important witnesses to the manuscript traditions of Eritrea (SEP DAVIES 00006) and (SEP DAVIES 00007). In addition to Biblical manuscripts, he also microfilmed several manuscripts of the Miracles of Mary, including a manuscript with 61 full-page paintings from Dabra Warq (SEP DAVIES 00013).
This collection has already had significant influence on critical editions of the Ge'ez Bible since it was microfilmed, particularly for the study of the Gospels, and we are grateful to the Davies family for helping make this important collection available to an even wider audience. View now
Cataloging is complete for 1,042 Greek manuscripts from the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Austrian National Library), microfilmed by HMML decades ago and now added to Reading Room as updated catalog records. These manuscripts are divided into shelfmark classes related to philosophy (Phil. gr.), theology (Theol. gr.), history (Hist. gr.), medicine (Med. gr.), and law (Jur. gr.), with a supplement (Suppl. gr.) consisting of more recent acquisitions.
Contents range from foundational ancient authors like Homer, Plato, and Aristotle to early modern apologetic texts, 19th-century hymnals, and other examples of later Greek literature. The oldest dated manuscript in the collection is Phil. gr. 314 (microfilm 21417), copied by Iōannēs Grammatikos in 925 CE, which includes introductory texts on the philosophical schools of Plato and Pythagoras along with Greek works by Thāwudhūrus Abū Qurrah, better known as one of the earliest Christian authors to write in Arabic, who died only a century before the manuscript was produced. Undertexts in palimpsest manuscripts likely date from much earlier, while Suppl. gr. 119 (microfilm 21588) is a false palimpsest produced by Kōnstantinos Simōnidēs, now one of the more notorious manuscript forgers of the 19th century. Theol. gr. 154 (microfilm 21774), an 11th-century copy of the four Gospels, includes elaborate canon tables and lavish full-page portraits of the Evangelists, while Phil. gr. 75 (microfilm 21138) is a 1445 copy of seven works by Aristotle that includes a relevant and sometimes humorous decorated initial for each text.
Med. gr. 1 (microfilm SEP ONB 00003), also known as the Vienna Dioscorides, is one of the most well-known manuscripts in the world, including the Peri hylēs iatrikēs (De materia medica) of the 1st-century author Dioscorides Pedanius along with several other medical, botanical, and zoological works. Illustrated with detailed images of medicinal plants on almost every page, it was copied in early 6th-century Constantinople for a Roman princess named Anicia Juliana and includes a portrait of the princess on fol. 6v that is the oldest known extant dedicatory portrait in any manuscript. It remained in Constantinople for a millennium, acquiring marginal notes in Greek, Latin, Arabic, and Hebrew along the way, before passing to Austria in the 16th century. This collection is the first large corpus of Greek material to be added to HMML's Reading Room and has greatly enriched the information available on Greek literature in the HMML Authority File database. View now
Cataloging is complete for the collection of the Lebanese Maronite Order, which primarily consists of manuscripts originating from the monasteries of the Order in all regions of Lebanon. It is housed in the Library of the Holy Spirit University (Université Saint-Esprit) in Kaslik. These manuscripts are written in Arabic, Arabic Garshuni, Syriac, and, to a lesser extent, Latin, Armenian, Geʻez, Persian, Turkish, and French. The oldest manuscript fragments date back to the 15th century (OLM 00106a and OLM 00106b) and were discovered within the binding of a printed book.
The collection includes numerous illuminated manuscripts, the most renowned being the Evangelion in the manuscript OLM 00983. These manuscripts encompass a wide variety of liturgical texts, including evangeliaries, synaxaria, funeral rites, missals, offices, and more. Furthermore, a considerable number of manuscripts were utilized in the education of future priests of the Lebanese Maronite Order, covering subjects such as moral theology, logic, and Syriac and Arabic grammar. The collection also includes poetic works and a variety of spiritual texts, many of which are translations from Latin and other European languages. A portion of the collection comprises Islamic manuscripts, including Qur’ans and prayer books. The physical collection in Kaslik continues to expand, regularly acquiring new manuscripts from diverse origins, but all manuscripts photographed by HMML are now available for public use.
Cataloging is complete for the collection of Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek in Weimar, which was first founded as a ducal library in 1691. Three hundred years later, it was renamed after Duchess Anna Amalia (1739-1807), who had been an avid supporter of the arts and one of the most prolific book collectors among her peers, with a passion for promoting literature in the German language. This legacy is reflected in the manuscript collection: out of 524 manuscripts, just over half were copied at least in part in German or another Germanic language.
HMML microfilmed the collection in 1994; just 10 years later, these manuscripts narrowly escaped a fire that tragically destroyed the library’s early book collection. Nonetheless, access to these manuscripts remains limited: the library has published two print volumes in German that cover only two-thirds of the collection, while 78 manuscripts can be viewed digitally online. HMML’s catalog is currently the only complete representation of the collection available online to researchers, particularly providing access to data concerning many regional chronicles and Meistersinger songbooks. Also of interest are German translations of the Bible that predate Martin Luther (HMML 47092 through 47099) and the earliest proto-naturalist observations of fauna and flora north of the Alps (HMML 47174).
Sixteen manuscripts written in Arabic, Persian, and Turkish were cataloged by Dr. Joshua Mugler.
A portion of the collection at Our Lady of Bzummār Convent, manuscripts once belonging to the Armenian Antonines (HMML project code BzAn), is now fully cataloged and available in Reading Room. This collection was not always at Bzummār. The transmission of this sizable collection traces the history of the Armenian Antonines (Antonean Miabanut‘iwn), Armenian Catholics who began in Aleppo, and in 1752 upon their adoption of the Rule of St. Anthony moved to Rome and later to Ortaköy region near Istanbul, Turkey. As the order came to an end at the turn of the 20th century, the Antonean Library was transferred to the care of the monastery in Bzummār, Lebanon, where HMML digitized the Armenian Antonine collection.
The collection consists of 257 manuscripts in Classical Armenian, ranging in date from the 14th century to the 20th century. Among these manuscripts are beautifully illuminated Gospels, illuminated liturgical books, Synaxaria/Menologia, one illuminated prayer scroll, homilies and commentaries by Armenian vardapets, illuminated hymnals (Sharagnots‘), illuminated Psalters, philosophical works by Aristotle commentated by Grigor Tat‘ewats‘i and Yovhannēs Orotnets‘i in the 14th and 15th centuries, works by Dominican missionaries in Armenia, and interesting collections of astrological writings, liturgical calendars, and parzatōmars (see Dr. Ani Shahinian's story on the Armenian liturgical calendar).
A highlight of the collection is a manuscript dated to 1711 containing the works of Dionysius, the Areopagite (BzAn 00438; see also a story on translation and illumination in this manuscript). Another fascinating manuscript is the illuminated depiction of Apostle Paul and a collection of commentaries on the Epistles of Paul (BzAn 00455). View now
Cataloging is now complete for the collection of the Armenian Patriarchate of Istanbul, Ortakoy (HMML project code APIO). This collection of 134 manuscripts primarily contains works in Armenian, though several manuscripts are comprised of writings in Armeno-Turkish (Turkish language in Armenian script). The collection contains a wide variety of works, including liturgical and biblical materials, patristic works, theological and philosophical works from the Armenian heritage, and several modern European works translated into Armenian.
Highlights of this collection include a copy of the Armenian prayer book known as the Aghōtʻagirkʻ dated to 1381 CE (APIO 00152), and a two-volume commentary on the biblical book of Sirach that totals over 1900 pages, written by an 18th century Armenian Patriarch named Yakob Nalean (found in APIO 00157 and APIO 00158). The opening page of this work contains a color illustration of the author praying for wisdom. View now
Cataloging is complete for the collection of the Landeskirchliches Archiv in Nürnberg, more formally known as the Landeskirchliches Archiv der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Kirche in Bayern. This archive was founded in 1925 at the instigation of Bishop Hans Meiser to collect texts and images belonging or relevant to Bavarian protestant churches. Despite economic instability during the interwar period and the threat of damage during World War II, the archive expanded, becoming its own separate organization and continuing to take on materials from other repositories and parishes.
The 104 codices that HMML filmed provide a historical picture of the early organization of Protestant churches in Bavaria, including letters from Reformation figures such as Martin Luther and Philip Melanchthon, as well as various cities’ newly codified rites for administering the sacraments in line with Protestant theology. The collection also boasts a series of Latin sacred songs by Catholic composers, especially Orlando di Lasso. View now
23 archival volumes from St. George's Basilica, Gozo Island, Malta, are now available in HMML Reading Room. Records include information regarding baptisms, confirmations, marriages, and deaths, 1625-1929. They also include historical notes and other data. The parish of Saint George outside of the Cittadela of Gozo origins date back to the Middle Ages, being mentioned in 1230 CE. The parish was merged with the parish of the Assumption in the Citadella in 1688, which lasted until 1955. The current church was built between 1672-1678 by Vittorio Cassar. View now
Information about the parish archives in Malta can be found on the Malta Parish Archives project online finding aid.
Cataloging is complete for 2,192 items from the Bibliothèque al-Cady al-Aqib, the library of the Sankoré Mosque in Timbuktu, Mali (ELIT AQB). The building dates back to the 14th century and is named for al-Qāḍī al-ʻAqīb (1504-1583 CE) who commissioned or restored many of the town's mosques. The al-ʻAqīb family remain hereditary Imams to this day, and many collection items bear their handwriting.
The collection is mainly in Arabic, with some items featuring West African languages such as Fulfulde and Bambara written in Arabic script. The oldest items date to the early 17th century, though many will have been copied from older originals now lost. The library contains the typical core curriculum from the region, including Qurʼans, hadith, and legal texts. It is noteworthy for its collection of works on the Qurʼanic sciences, and other subjects relating to memorization and study. View now

Cataloging progress on the Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library (EMML)
Posted: 2024-07-03The Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library consists of over 9,000 manuscripts microfilmed in Ethiopia from 1973 to 1994. The impact that this collection has had upon Ethiopian Studies is difficult to fully describe as these microfilms dramatically increased the number of manuscripts accessible to scholarship.
Catalog work on this collection began in Ethiopia under the direction of Dr. Sergew Hable Selassie. His metadata serves as the foundation for this work. The cataloging effort of EMML at HMML began with Dr. William F. Macomber. He cataloged the first 1100 manuscripts of the collection in volumes 1-3 of the catalog series. After assisting Macomber with volume 3, Dr. Getatchew Haile continued cataloging the EMML collection with manuscripts 1101-5000 in volumes 4-10 and an additional nine hundred manuscripts in an unpublished volume 11. Ted Erho continued the cataloging work for EMML manuscripts with numbers higher than EMML 5904 and he cataloged over 130 manuscripts directly into Reading Room. Moreover, Ted Erho, Dr. Ralph Lee, and Dr. Jeremy R. Brown have added metadata and additional cataloging data for thousands of the EMML manuscripts cataloged by Macomber and Getatchew Haile. The digitization of manuscripts and metadata creation are now complete for EMML volumes 1-4, which accounts for the first 1,500 manuscripts microfilmed by the project. All these manuscripts are now available in Reading Room.
The first 1,500 manuscripts in EMML are a treasure trove from the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. These manuscripts include biblical manuscripts, hymn and chant books, liturgical texts for the life of the church, hagiographies of saints, and chronicles of Ethiopian history.
Of particular value to scholars of the Bible are EMML 25 and EMML 26, two manuscripts that were copied at Gunda Gundē Monastery, came into the possession of a bookseller in Addis Ababa, and now are preserved in the Institute of Ethiopian Studies at Addis Ababa University.
Another important contribution to scholarship is the quantity of manuscripts from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries that provide insight into the copying work of the royal scriptoriums in those centuries. EMML 217 is a wonderful example of a manuscript of the Life of Stephen copied at the command of Empress Zawditu and donated to a church dedicated to that same saint, Dabra Salām Qeddus Esṭifānos Church in Addis Ababa.
Another remarkable manuscript is EMML 76, a richly illuminated copy of the Miracles of Mary with over 300 stories about the wondrous acts performed by the Virgin Mary. This manuscript’s paintings depict Emperor Menilek and Empress Ṭāytu alongside scenes of the Virgin Mary’s life.
The EMML collection has already revealed numerous important and remarkable manuscripts and will certainly continue to do so as even more of these microfilms are digitized and studied.
Cataloging is complete for the collection of the Stadtarchiv Eisenberg in east-central Germany. Over the centuries, the archive has suffered from local and national disasters, as well as lack of a proper facility. It was first created in 1855 and was stored in the town hall. A fire in 1906 destroyed some archival material and damaged others, and the surviving materials were moved to the nearby castle Schloss Christiansburg. In 1945, some material was destroyed and removed; since then, the archive was unattended, moved, and improperly stored in humid conditions several times, which resulted in further damage to the files. In 1994, HMML filmed 14 codices dating from the 16th to 18th centuries. Finally, in 1995, the archive was moved to a suitable climate-controlled building. Due to the damage to the files over the years, there is a risk of continued deterioration, and HMML’s microfilms help preserve a better condition of the files.
The 14 codices that HMML filmed provide a historical picture of Eisenberg, primarily through records that span two and a half centuries documenting the taxation of property and goods and the sale of common land. Ecclesiastical records include a correspondence with Protestant reformer Philip Melanchthon, and there are records concerning the longstanding traditions of target shooting and popinjay as well as presence of Trabant guards at royal weddings. View now
Metadata for 12 manuscripts from the Collegium Augustinianum Gaesdonck in Goch, Germany, has been added to Reading Room. The small collection was microfilmed along with the manuscripts at the Bistumarchiv in Münster in Westfalen. The collection stands out for its fifteenth-century theological miscellanies and devotional works closely related to the mileau of the Devotio Moderna. View now
Metadata for 241 manuscripts from the Bistumarchiv of the Diocese of Münster in Westfalen, Germany, has been added to Reading Room. The manuscripts in the archive are divided into three collections, the Domarchiv, the Generalvikariat, and the Pfarrarchiv, the latter which consists of manuscripts from the parishes in the diocese that have been placed on permanent loan in the Bistumarchiv. The archive is incredibly rich in fifteenth-century and sixteenth-century liturgical manuscripts, particularly in graduals, breviaries, antiphonaries, and missals. There are also important church records related to local confraternities and account books and cartularies from the parishes. View now
Metadata for 11 manuscripts from the Propstei St . Remigius in Borken, Germany, has been added to Reading Room. The small collection was microfilmed along with the manuscripts at the Bistumarchiv in Münster in Westfalen. The collection stands out for its collection of late medieval liturgical manuscripts. It also includes the Cartulary of Walling, Germany, and the statutes of the Propstei St . Remigius. View now
Cataloging is complete for 18 manuscripts from Dayr Mār Mīkhāʼīl (MKLB), the Greek Orthodox monastery of St. Michael in Biskintā, Lebanon. The collection ranges from the 17th century to the 19th and is almost entirely Arabic, with one manuscript including some Greek written in Arabic script (MKLB 00010). The contents are primarily liturgical, theological, and grammatical, but there is also an early example of a treatise on logic by the 17th-century Muslim author Qāsim al-Khānī (MKLB 00007). One unique find is an otherwise unknown apology for Catholicism by the Coptic Catholic priest Yūḥannā Qudsī al-Ṭūkhī, written in the early 19th century (MKLB 00003). View now