Collections News (page 6)
Collections News (page 6)
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14 manuscripts from Kanīsat Mār Jirjis have been added to Reading Room
Posted: 2021-08-31The collection of the Greek Orthodox Church of Mār Jirjis in Bishmizzīn, Lebanon, includes 14 manuscripts, now fully active in Reading Room. It represents an example of how a village church could locally provide its needs of liturgical manuscripts. Manuscripts of this church were copied by locals of the church or in the nearby monastery of al-Balamand. View now
The Lebanese Maronite Missionary Order (LMMO; Jamʻīyat al-Mursalīn al-Lubnānīyyn al-Mawārinah) is relatively recent. It was established in 1865 CE by Metropolitan Yūḥannā al-Ḥabīb. This short, yet rich, history with all its challenges and struggles is well documented and preserved in their manuscript collection housed in Jūniyah, Lebanon, and now displayed in HMML Reading Room.
It is possible to trace the history of the LMMO collection with its 597 manuscripts to 4 main sources. First, some manuscripts passed down through certain families or individuals who finally donated them to the order. Second, a considerable number of the manuscripts come from monasteries’ libraries, for example, the library of Dayr al-Kuraym where the order was first established and the convent of the visitation of the Virgin. Third, students in the schools of the order such as ʿAyn Waraqah and ʿAyn Tūrah provided part of the collection represented in their Arabic, French, and Latin notebooks, in addition to grammars and dictionaries. Fourth, members of the order contributed to the collection through their meticulous documentation of the history of the order, the life of its founder, and the endeavor to establish new venues in Latin America. These specific writings cover a wide range of genres such as autobiographies, biographies, travel accounts, rules and regulations, documents, and correspondence. View now
The cataloging team at HMML has recently finished cataloging manuscripts in the collection of the Church of the Forty Martyrs, located in Mardin, Turkey (CFMM). The collection includes over 1,000 manuscripts from a variety of languages including Syriac, Arabic, Arabic Garshuni, Ottoman Turkish, and Turkish Garshuni. Many manuscripts held at CFMM were originally housed at the nearby monastery Dayr Zaʿfarān (also known as Dayro d-Mor Ḥananyo), the see of the Syriac Orthodox Patriarchate from the 12th century until 1932. As such, the library of CFMM contains several important manuscripts pertaining to ecclesiastical affairs in the Syriac Orthodox Church, including several collections of correspondence between various patriarchs and other figures around the world.
The collection also contains a number of relatively early manuscripts, including at least five manuscripts from before the year 1000 CE, and several more from the 12th-14th centuries. There are also a significant number of manuscripts in the collection written, copied, or translated by the well-known 20th century bishop of Mardin, Philoxenos Yuḥanon Dolabani, who also produced a catalogue of the collection of manuscripts at Dayr Zaʿfarān. The collection contains the full range of genres of Syriac and Christian Arabic literature, including biblical manuscripts, liturgical manuscripts, patristic and theological collections, homilies, prayers, letters, philosophical works, and historical works. Also found in the collection are thirty-eight manuscripts containing Islamic religious and scientific texts. CFMM is an invaluable collection of manuscripts that testifies to the prolific literary and scribal culture of the Syriac Orthodox tradition. View now
The Benedictine abbey of St. Paul, located in Sankt Paul im Lavanttal on the southern tip of Austria near Slovenia, was founded in 1091 from the famous German reform abbey of Hirsau. Although of important religious and cultural influence, it was dissolved in 1782 and its manuscript collection largely disseminated in various directions. In 1807, however, the Benedictine community of Sankt Blasien in Schwarzwald requested permission to resettle in Austria. First moving to the vacant Augustinian monastery of Spital am Pyhrn, they moved again in 1809 to the abandoned buildings of Sankt Paul, bringing with them not only the manuscripts of Sankt Blasien but those of Spital am Pyhrn as well. From this large monastic collection, HMML filmed 1046 manuscripts dating from the 8th to the early 19th centuries—one of the largest projects undertaken by HMML during its Austrian phase (1965-1973).
Thus, the collection at Sankt Paul consists of manuscripts from three monastic communities, although most of them are from Sankt Blasien. Among the Sankt Blasien manuscripts are several from the 8th to 11th centuries (and a couple are earlier), as well as 18th-century works by the monks and records of monastic life at Sankt Blasien.
As there is no published catalog of the collection at Sankt Paul, a major contribution from HMML staff includes the identification of folio numbers, authors, and titles for many of the works listed in the handwritten 19th-century inventory. We hope that this new information will also contribute to the eventual fuller cataloging of the collection. View now
The original religious community on St. Georgenberg, a 300-foot cliff near Stans on the Inn in Austria, is traditionally believed to have been founded by a certain Rathold von Aibling in Bayern, who died perhaps in the middle of the tenth century. An early benefactor was St. Albuin, bishop of Saben-Brixen (reigned approximately 977-1005 or 1006), whose donation of two properties is the earliest recorded gift to the community. The community was established as a Benedictine monastery in 1138 (closed in 1807-1816 and again in 1941-1945). After a devastating fire in 1705, the community moved to Fiecht where it remained from 1708 to 2019, and it has very recently moved back to its original site at Sankt Georgenberg near Fiecht.
Although the monastery at one time owned manuscripts dating back to the 8th century, today's oldest holdings come from the 12th century. Numerous manuscripts from Sankt Georgenberg are in the British Library today. The 189 manuscripts microfilmed by HMML include historical records of the monastery and other manuscripts from the 12th century to 18th century. The metadata for these manuscripts is now available online in Reading Room. View now
Additionally, the HMML-produced catalog is available online for free from at
The collection of the Chaldean Patriarchate of Babylon, formerly housed in Mosul and then in Baghdad, is now fully active in vHMML Reading Room. The collection includes 431 manuscripts, most of which are in the East Syriac language (also known as Chaldean) and in Arabic and Arabic Garshuni.
Among these are some of the finest manuscripts of the Chaldean Catholic community, which have been brought together from various parts of Iraq and Turkey. The collection contains Bibles, liturgical books, apocryphal literature, hagiographies, and scientific works. Some of the manuscripts were unfortunately lost or severely damaged following the American invasion of Baghdad in 2003. The collection was digitized in collaboration with the Centre Numérique des Manuscrits Orientaux (CNMO) from 2014 to 2016. View now
This is the collection of ʻAbd al-ʻAzīz al-Bukhārī, a notable Jerusalem interfaith peace activist who died in 2010. His family arrived in Jerusalem from Central Asia in the 17th century, and they have maintained a presence in the Old City ever since. The Zāwiyah al-Uzbakīyah - also known as al-Zāwiyah al-Naqshabandīyah and as the Uzbek Sufi Center - was formally established by Shaykh Uthmān Bey al-Bukhārī in 1731. Coming from Uzbekistan with his family, Shaykh Uthmān Bey al-Bukhārī was a follower of the Naqshabandī Sufi order; he donated to the zāwiyah his manuscript collection, which was expanded by the Bukhārī family throughout the years.
This small collection includes a variety of texts, such as Sufi and theological treatises, copies of the Qur’an, and legal canonical texts. Interesting manuscripts of this collection feature poems and other religious and philosophical works in Uzbek, Persian, and Ottoman Turkish. In particular, the collection holds several copies of works related to the study of the Arabic language, and specifically commentaries of the Alfīyah by Ibn Mālik and the Ajurrūmīyah by Ibn Ājurrūm, which often include marginalia in Uzbek and Persian. View now
Stift Admont is a Benedictine monastery, located in the Enns river valley, at the foot of the Gesäuse National Park in the Austrian province of Styria. Founded in the 11th century, it has one of the largest and most significant manuscript and book collections in Central Europe. The most famous author from Stift Admont is Engelbert von Admont (ca. 1250-1331), whose works cover a wide range of subjects, including theology, philosophy, history, natural science, and music.
The collection is housed in the Baroque library, built in the 18th century. In 1865, nearly the entire monastery complex burned down, but somehow the library and its collections survived.
In 1967 and 1968, HMML microfilmed nearly 800 manuscripts--many with beautiful initials and decoration--from this library. Over 270 of these manuscripts have recently been digitized by the library at Admont. The HMML records contain links to these digital copies whenever available and HMML staff will continue to add links as more manuscripts from Admont become available. View now
The Issaf Nashashibi Center in East Jerusalem (Isʻāf al-Nashāshībī Center for Culture and Literature, project code DINL) was established in 1982. Its research library houses a collection of manuscripts which were mostly donated by the al-Ḥusaynī family, one of the most prominent Palestinian Arab families in Jerusalem.
This collection includes primarily texts on Ḥanafī law and Sufism, but also renowned works on Islam, Qur’anic sciences, Arabic literature and grammar. Perhaps the richest feature of this collection – and the most unexplored so far – resides in the short treatises that distinguish the majority of the composite manuscripts, in all subjects, from theology to natural sciences. The manuscripts of this collection are mostly in Arabic, with a few titles in Persian and Ottoman Turkish. View now

Reading Room now has more than 13 million images
Posted: 2021-02-04HMML has surpassed the 13-million mark for full-resolution image files in Reading Room. Each of these images shows a piece of our collective history (a page, a fragment, a binding), saved by many hands over hundreds of years and photographed by HMML staff and partners at hundreds of repositories around the world. The original manuscripts, along with copies of the digital images, remain with the repository that holds them, where they are deeply valued as cultural heritage objects.
Each image in Reading Room has IIIF (International Image Interoperability Framework) links to support the sharing of these records across repositories.
55 volumes of the Parish Archives of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Divine Grace, Żabbar, have been added to Reading Room. Records for baptisms, confirmations, marriages, deaths, and legati, 1616-1884. Records also include legati, legati of knights of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, historical notes, and other records. Żabbar became a parish in 1615. The current church was built between 1641 and 1696. The parish also includes St. Mary’s Church, which served as the parish church during the French Occupation from 1798-1800. View now

Metadata for 395 manuscripts from Cologne Cathedral added to Reading Room
Posted: 2020-12-17395 manuscripts from the main manuscript collection of Erzbischöfliche Diözesan- und Dombibliothek (Cologne, Germany) have been added to Reading Room. This older collection supplements 299 music manuscripts also held by the diocese, added to Reading Room last month.
The diocesan and cathedral library in Cologne is one of the oldest among those filmed by HMML. The roots of the library reach back to the 6th or 7th century, and its collecting started with the manuscripts owned by Archbishop Hildebald (died 818). Its medieval collection (HMML filmed approximately 370 of them) includes manuscripts and fragments dating back to the 6th century. The medieval manuscripts have been digitized under the auspices of the Codices Electronici Ecclesiae Coloniensis (CEEC), are available through the Worldwide Web, and are linked from the Reading Room records. There are some manuscripts filmed by HMML that were not included in the Cathedral’s digitization program (project number 35347 was one of those), as well as a newly cataloged Turkish prayer book (project no. 35512). View now
19 volumes of the Parish Archives of the Cathedral of Gozo. Records of the baptisms, confirmations, marriages, and deaths dating from 1554-1893. Five volumes of modern indexes have been digitized, but not yet added. Records include the earliest volume of parish records in Gozo dating to 1554. The records can be accessed by using the portal to find the volumes. View now
11 manuscripts and one print book from the private library of Behnam Alkass Younan, (Qarah Qūsh, Iraq) have been added to Reading Room. These items were digitized in partnership with Centre Numérique des Manuscrits Orientaux (CNMO).
This newly public collection includes Bibles, liturgical texts, and prayerbooks in Syriac. View now
474 manuscripts from the Archdiocese of Aleppo, a division of the Syrian Orthodox Church, have been added to Reading Room. This collection, which was previously uncataloged and relatively inaccessible to scholars, contains Syriac Orthodox manuscripts, many of which were moved from Şanlıurfa, Turkey (ancient Edessa, known as the cradle of Syriac Christianity), in the early 20th century.
The manuscripts include historical works, liturgical books, Bibles, hagiographies, apocryphal stories, and other religious literature. Among the gems of the collection are a unique manuscript of the Chronicle of Michael the Great (SOAA 00250 S) and early copies of the Arabian Nights stories of Sindbad the Sailor and the Ebony Horse in Arabic Garshuni (SOAA 00121 K and SOAA 00124 M). The materials are written in Syriac, Arabic Garshuni, Arabic, and Turkish Garshuni. Many are richly embellished, and 25 manuscripts include full-page decorations.
406 manuscripts from the library of Benediktinerstift Lambach (Lambach Abbey) in Lambach, Austria, have been added to HMML Reading Room. This monastery was founded in approximately 1040 and later given to the Benedictines in 1056. From the 12th century, a scriptorium flourished at Lambach, and in the 15th and 16th centuries, numerous liturgical manuscripts were created there. The monks also collected other manuscripts and prints, spurred by an interest in science and humanism. The institution narrowly escaped closing in 1784 under the reforms of Kaiser Joseph II. While still an important research collection, the library was forced to sell many manuscripts in the 20th century, and the manuscripts preserved by HMML date from the 11th to the 16th century.
This predominantly Latin and German collection showcases the many interests of the monastics who assembled it. Texts include sermons, commentaries, correspondence, legal works, hagiographies, historical works, and poems. View now
299 music manuscripts from the Leibl collection of the Erzbischöfliche Diözesan- und Dombibliothek (Cologne, Germany) have been added to Reading Room. This music collection was named for Carl Leibl (1784-1870), a musician, conductor, cathedral organist and cathedral music director in Cologne (1826-1863).
The Leibl collection consists of manuscript and early printed copies of music, primarily from the 19th century and chiefly liturgical. Many of the works are settings for the Mass or religious texts, as well as selections from cantatas or other larger religious works. Composers include Beethoven, Haydn, Mendelssohn, and Mozart, as well as Bernhard Breuer, Luigi Cherubini, Carl Ludwig Drobisch, George Frederic Handel, and Carl Leibl himself. Links have been added to the vHMML records to fuller descriptions of the materials in the RISM database. View now
51 manuscripts from the library of the Theresianische Akademie (Vienna, Austria) have been added to HMML Reading Room. Founded in 1746 as an imperial academy by Empress Maria Theresa, this Jesuit institution closed temporarily in 1773 when Joseph II dissolved the religious order, transferring its original library elsewhere. When it reopened in 1797, Imperial Councilor Josef Ritter von Sartori began accumulating a new library of largely medical, geographical, and ecclesiastical works, including the donation of his own volumes. Acquisition of other private collections and closed monastery libraries, such as Mondsee, helped contribute to the library’s holdings. The 51 Latin and German manuscripts included in Reading Room were microfilmed in 1979 on HMML's behalf by the microfilming office of the Austrian National Library.
Theresianische Akademie hosts an extremely important collection of fifteenth-century theological manuscripts, in addition to several medical and scientific manuscripts that include recipes and mathematical treatises. View now
549 manuscripts from the library at the monastery of Stift Göttweig (Steinaweg, Austria) have been added to vHMML. This Benedictine abbey was founded in 1083 by Bishop Altmann of Passau, and a school for the sons of nobility flourished there during the Middle Ages. A 12th-century manuscript catalogue lists 55 codices, of which 46 still survive. The 549 manuscripts photographed for HMML date largely from the 11th to the 17th century, with two dated to the 9th century or earlier. Stift Göttweig also saw the first in-person meeting, in 1966, of Father Oliver Kapsner and Dr. Julian Plante, the team that would lead HMML’s microfilming efforts for the next decades.
This monastic collection includes commentaries, sermons, hagiographies, correspondence, Bibles (and one Qur’an), and scientific, historical, and legal works, among others. Latin and German texts make up the majority of the collection, but it also contains manuscripts in Turkish, Arabic, Italian, Chinese, and Hebrew. View now
33 volumes of the Lettere consolari fonds of the Cathedral Archives, Mdina, have been added to vHMML Reading Room. The Lettere consolari contain the correspondence of the French chargé d’affaires du Roi of Malta dating from 1664-1807. 33 boxes of correspondence were digitized as part of the Malta Study Center's France and Malta in the Age of Revolution Project, 1775-1815. View now