Collections News (page 7)

Collections News (page 7)

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821 manuscripts from the Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library in L’viv, Ukraine, have been added to vHMML.  This Ukrainian national library was founded in 1940, assembling the holdings of many well-known Ukrainian and Polish organizations that operated in the region prior to 1939, such as the Central Archive of the Order of Saint Basil the Great, the collections of the Shevchenko Scientific Society and the Greek-Catholic Theological Academy, and the "Ossolineum" Institute collections. 

The digitized manuscripts from this largely Church Slavonic collection include Gospel books, liturgical books, commentaries, music, apocrypha, homilies, and other religious literature.  Some are lavishly decorated with headpieces, miniatures, woodcuts, and decorated initials.  The music collection is particularly rich, represented in more than 150 manuscripts.

231 manuscripts from the library at the monastery of Lilienfeld (Austria) have been added to vHMML. This Cistercian monastery was founded in 1202 by Duke Leopold VI of Austria, who was buried on its grounds.  In part because abbots counseled the rulers of Austria, the abbey grew wealthy and powerful, leading to the foundation of the monastery library in the 13th century.  In the 14th century, the scriptorium reached new heights under the auspices of Abbot Ulrich von Lilienfeld.  The collection survived looting during the 1683 Ottoman siege of Vienna, closure of the monastery for one year in 1789 that resulted in the loss of many valuable works of art, and a major fire in 1810.  Supposedly, the presence of a famed Russian Bible saved the building from occupation by Soviet soldiers in 1945. Microfilmed by HMML in 1966, the collection includes the famous Concordantia caritatis of Abbot Ulrich, with its rich array of typological illustrations of Bible stories (Codex 151; HMML 4527); illustrated and glossed Bibles; works by Albertus Magnus, Aristotle, Bernard of Clairvaux, and Christanus of Lilienfeld; as well as several liturgical books and monastic works. View now

Metadata for 205 volumes of the Archives of the Order of Malta, Series 17 of the National Library of Malta, Valletta, have been added to vHMML Reading Room. Series 17 "MIscellanea" includes three subseries: "General Miscellanea," "French Miscellanea," and "Addenda". The series contains documents once belonging to different offices and archives and related to the activities and administration of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes, and Malta, the French Republican government in Malta, and the British colonial government in Malta. View now

363 manuscripts from the Stift Vorau. Bibliothek, a monastery in Vorau, Austria, have been added to vHMML.  This monastery of Augustinian Canons Regular was founded in 1163 by Markgraf Ottokar III.  It hosted a noted scriptorium throughout the Middle Ages, and despite its capture during World War II, the monastery has retained its manuscript collection of largely Latin and German manuscripts.  Initially microfilmed in 1967, the collection includes theological and secular works, such as religious commentaries, hagiographies, historical works, and poetry. View now

1,679 manuscripts from the Khalidi Library (Jerusalem) have been added to the vHMML Reading Room. This is the collection of the Khalidi family, established as a library open to the public in 1900. It includes extensive collections of Ḥanafī law and treatises on Sufism, grammar, and other topics, primarily in Arabic. View now

200 manuscripts from the Srpska pravoslavna crkva. Budimska eparhija. Biblioteka, located in Szentendre, Hungary, have been added to vHMML Reading Room. The diverse collection contains manuscripts in Church Slavonic, Greek, Russian, and Latin. It also includes liturgical, religious, and philosophical texts, several with illuminations and decoration. View now

14 manuscripts, 7 incunabula, and 1 post-incunabula from Mount Angel Abbey (Oregon) have been added to vHMML Reading Room. The manuscripts consist largely of 15th-century illuminated books of hours and one Armenian Bible, while the printed works include early printed Bibles and one early printed book of hours. The collection was added in partnership with Mount Angel Abbey, who had previously partnered with HMML in the 1980s to microfilm 32 manuscripts from their collection. View now

106 volumes of the Archive of the Archconfraternity of Our Lady of Mount Carmel have been added to vHMML. The Archconfraternity was founded on 21 October 1621 at the instigation of Cesare Passalacqua, scribe of the common treasury of the Order of Saint John. Records include minutes, legal documents, records of masses, and records of pious foundations and legatos. View now

In 18 volumes. Records pertaining to the Langue of Castille, León, and Portugal, the Langue of Aragón, Catalunya, and Navarra, and the Langue of Germany of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes, and of Malta related to the controversies, management, estimation, measurement, and survey procedures of territories, properties, and goods. Records include lists of properties, correspondence, accounts, notarial documents, and other legal documents concerning controversies. Difference between title of the subseries and contents depends on the title recorded in the 1890 Repertorio at the National Library of Malta. View now

Metadata for 694 volumes of the Archives of the Order of Malta, Series 16, of the National Library of Malta have been added to vHMML Reading Room. Series 16 includes documents pertaining to the activities and administration of the Langue of Italy of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes, and of Malta related to the foundation, estimation, measurement, and survey procedures of territories, properties, and goods located in the Italian Priories (Barletta, Capua, Lombardy, Messina, Pisa, Rome, and Venice). Records are land surveys (cabrei or platee), improvements (visite di miglioramento), prioral visits (visite priorali), and visite generali (general visits) and include lists of properties, drawings, maps, notarial records, and legal documents from the Order of Saint John and the local institutions involved dated from 15th to 18th century. View now

17 volumes of the Tribunal Debitorum Religiosorum fonds at the National Archives of Malta have been added to vHMML. The Tribunal Debitorum Religiosorum was instituted by Grand Master Emanuel de Rohan Polduc specifically to deal with cases related to debts with or against the knights of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem. Records date from 1776-1798. View now

160 manuscripts from the L'viv Historical Museum from L'viv, Ukraine, have been added to vHMML. The collection contains a rich collection of Bibles, liturgical books, and theological treatises in Church Slavonic, Polish, and Ukrainian and a few other languages. View now

23 volumes of the Officium Bullae Sanctissimae Crociatae fonds at the National Archives of Malta have been added to vHMML. Records pertaining to the administration of the Bull of Crusade (Bolla della Crociata) managed by the prior of the Conventual Church of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes, and of Malta. Records include general ledgers, cash books, brogliardi (registers), letters patent, and loose papers. View now

Metadata for 176 volumes of Collection Treasury A (16th-19th century) at the National Library of Malta have been added to vHMML Reading Room. The collection is divided into two series: Archives of the Order of Saint John and Archives of the Università of Mdina and Università of Valletta, Vittoriosa, and SengleaDocuments once belonged to different archives and concern the activity of the Treasury (Tesoro or Comun Tesoro), the Assembly of Conventual Chaplains, the Congregation of War, the Secrecy  (Secrezia, Segrezia, or Officium Magisterialis Secretiae), and the foundations (fondazioni) of the Order of Saint John and its members. Records also concern the Jesuit College, the Monastery of Saint Mary Magdalene, the Santo Spirito Hospital, and the Universitates of Mdina and Valletta. Records were probably gathered and reused for administrative purposes by the Commission for national assets (Commissione dei domini nazionali) established by the French and later by the British government in Malta. View now

Metadata for 309 volumes of Treasury B of the National Library of Malta have been added to vHMML Reading Room. Treasury B includes documents mostly pertaining to the activity of the Administration of Public Property (Amministrazione dei beni pubblici) of the British government in Malta. The property was subdivided into urban property (beni urbani), rural property (beni rustici), and property related to the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem absorbed by the British government, including foundations and hospitals. View now

The Medieval Academy of America has awared the 2020 Digital Humanities and Multimedia Studies Prize for our digital platform Projects leads Dr. Daniel K. Gullo, Joseph S. Micallef Curator of the Malta Study Center, and Fr. Columba Stewart, Executive Director of HMML represent the team of scholars and programmers working on vHMML since its re-imagination and development begun in 2014.

281 records from the Archive of the Confraternity of Charity in Valletta, Malta, have been added to vHMML Reading Room. The Confraternity of Charity was founded in 1610, and is associated with the Church of Saint Paul's Shipwreck Church in Valletta. Records within the archives detail the confraternity's activities, including local ministry to the poor, financial support for those who could not bury their dead, marriage dowries for the poor, the ransoming of slaves, endowments to support charity, and the construction of oratories and patronage of art works of Catholic devotion. View now

The collection from the archepiscopal archive in Freiburg includes several manuscripts from the Dominican convent at Adelhausen (Freiburg), which closed in the 19th century. Adelhausen had been formed by the merger of four women’s houses in the 17th century. These 40 manuscripts include several liturgical books (Psalters, Breviaries, Missals) and devotional works (Books of Hours).

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In the 1980s, HMML filmed over 90 manuscripts and fragments from the Archiv der Stadt Freiburg im Breisgau (one of several collections filmed in Freiburg). These manuscripts include historical works, a Passion Play from 1599 and several liturgical books (processionals)—chiefly from houses for Dominican nuns.

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Christian Benjamin Klein (1754-1825) was an organist and cantor from Silesia (today part of Poland). During his career he collection more than 500 manuscripts and printed works of music from 17th-, 18th- and early 19th-century composers. The king of Prussia, Friedrich Wilhelm III, gave this collection to the University of Bonn in 1829, where it was kept at the Musikwissenschaftliches Seminar (where HMML filmed it in the early 1980s). Today this collection is housed in the University Library at Bonn. Links to the full catalog records in RISM (Répertoire International des Sources Musicales) are also in the vHMML/Reading Room records.

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