Collections News (page 9)
Collections News (page 9)
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Metadata for 1097 volumes of Series 15, Proofs of the Langue of Italy ca.1540-1798, of the Archives of the Order of Malta have been added to vHMML Reading Room. Records of the admission procedure for membership to the Langue of Italy and its seven priories in the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes, and of Malta. Records include genealogical trees, family and church records, notarial records, correspondence, and legal documents from the Order of Saint John for Knights, servants of arms, and chaplains. View now
Metadata for 768 volumes of the Archivuum Archiepiscopalis Melitensis in Floriana, Malta, have been added to vHMML Reading Room. Records include the Acta civilia, Pastoral visits, Status animarum, Benefici, Pubblicazioni matrimoniali, inventories of church property, suppliche, epsiscopal correspondence, edicts, registers of ordinations, and other miscellaneous documents. View now
Metadata from 37 volumes of Series 4, General Chapters of the Order of Saint John, 1330-1776, of the Archives of the Order of Malta have been added to vHMML Reading Room. Records of the activities and meetings of the General Chapter of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes, and of Malta. Records include originals and copies of proceedings, deliberations, and statutes concerning business and legislation of the Order. Volumes also include summaries of the statutes, rolls, memoranda, and petitions. View now
Metadata from 25 volumes of Series 3, Libri conciliorum status, 1522-1798, of the Archives of the Order of Malta have been added to vHMML Reading Room. Documents recording the activities and meetings of the Council of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes, and of Malta. Registers include originals (libri conciliorum status) and minutes (libri minutarium conciliorum status) of proceedings, deliberations, and decrees concerning political, military and diplomatic matters and internal administration of the Order and the Maltese archipelago. Records also include one index, original documents, letters, reports, and briefs related to the meetings. Related documents in AOM Section 2. View now
Metadata for 33 volumes of the Lettere consolari fonds at the Cathedral Archives in Mdina have been added to vHMML reading room. Records contain diplomatic correspondence of the chargé d'affaires du Roi for Malta. Records include correspondence from individuals, the king, and other embassies and consulates located in the Mediterranean and Europe regarding France, the Ottoman Empire, North Africa, shipping, trade, slavery, the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, and the French occupation of Malta. View now
Metadata for 335 volumes of the Venerable Assembly of the Conventual Chaplains of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem (Archivum Venerendae Assembleae) of the Cathedral Archives of Mdina, Malta, have been added to vHMML Reading Room. Documents, mainly account records, include the Procura Distribuzioni, Procura Anziana, Procura Fiernalda, and over one hundred volumes of the Missae Ominum Fundationum. View now
Metadata from 60 volumes of Series 14, Deliberations, 4. Deliberations of the Langue of Italy, ca. 1300-1800, of the Archives of the Order of Malta housed in the National Library of Malta have been added to vHMML Reading Room. Records pertaining to the activities and administration of the Langue of Italy of the Order of St. John, of Jerusalem, of Rhodes, and of Malta and its decision-making bodies. Records include deliberations, correspondence, accounts, rolls, lists, indexes, acts, and reports.
HMML recently completed cataloging manuscripts from the Monastery of Mor Gabriel in Tur ‘Abdin, Turkey. Digitization of the 250 manuscripts was completed in 2010. While the manuscripts from this collection have been available on vHMML, the collection is now fully searchable because of the work of HMML cataloger, Josh Mugler.
“This collection is significant not so much because of its age--the oldest seem to be from the 15thcentury-- but because they bear witness to the Syriac region’s rich cultural tradition of producing very fine manuscripts,” explains David Calabro, HMML’s Curator of Eastern Christian & Islamic Manuscripts. “An example of this can be seen in MGMT 52, an Evangelion (a book of liturgical readings from the Gospels) dated to 1867. The manuscript is gorgeously decorated and illustrated. Take a look at the very end of the manuscript. You may be surprised to see an image commemorating the then-recent construction of a telegraph line from Istanbul to Baghdad!”
To see more examples from the collection go to Reading Room and type MGMT in the HMML Project Number Field (Syriac is read right to left, so click on arrow to left to view the manuscript). For questions about the collections, contact Dr. David Calabro.

vHMML launches new Museum application
Posted: 2019-05-01vHMML Museum is now availible. The new application in vHMML allows users to digitally access HMML's art collections, including the Arca Artium Collection donated by Frank Kacmarcik, the Richard Hadley Slide Collection, and the art collections of MUŻA - Mużew Nazzjonali tal-Arti digitized by HMML's Malta Study Center.
Metadata from 1640 volumes of the Curia Episcopalis Melitensis of the Cathedral Archives of Mdina, Malta, have been added to vHMML Reading Room. These records include all series within the CEM Collection, including Acta Originalia, Conti, Registra, Repertoria, and other series. The collection contains material that was combined into a single archive in the 1970s, originating from at least four different archives prior to the French occupation of Malta in 1798. View now
Metadata from 878 volumes of the Archivum Cathedralis Melitensis Official Records Section of the Cathedral Archives of Mdina, Malta, have been added to vHMML Reading Room. The Archivum Cathedralis Melitensis Official Records comprise the official records of the Cathedral Chapter meetings and the various administrations of the Chapter. The officials of the Chapter included the chancellor (who was often a notary whose acts acquired legal value), two procurators (one chosen by the bishop and one by the Chapter), a depositario, a deputy for the archives, a deputy for music, and other minor officials. The minutes of the Chapter meeting of 1419 are the oldest records of this division. This group is made up of 24 sections. View now
Metadata from 186 volumes of Series 2, Libri conciliorum, 1459-1798, of the Archives of the Order of Malta housed in the National Library of Malta have been added to vHMML Reading Room. Documents recording the activities and meetings of the Council of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes, and of Malta. Registers include originals (libri conciliorum), minutes (libri minutarium) and copies of proceedings, deliberations, decrees, and judgments concerning admissions, collations of priories, bailiwicks, and commanderies, dignities and titles, diplomatic correspondence, instructions for ambassadors and members of the Order, passports, and military, administrative and judicial matters. View now
Metadata from 18 volumes of Series 8, Petitions, 1603-1798, of the Archives of the Order of Malta housed in the National Library of Malta have been added to vHMML Reading Room. Records concerning petitions (suppliche) and requests addressed to the Grand Masters of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes, and of Malta. Records include rescripts (rescritti) and reports of the Giurati, of members, and officials of the Order of Saint John. Volumes include documents related to and in support of petitions. Alphabetical repertory of the volumes is also included. View now
Metadata from 141 volumes of the Fondo Panzavecchia of the Cathedral Archives of Mdina, Malta, have been added to vHMML Reading Room. Records include the writings of Fortunato Panzavecchia, including his diaries, encyclopedia, translation of the Bible, historical works, letters, writings on education, correspondence, writings on the Maltese language, journalism, and other works. Records include maritime and legal records of Giuliano Panzavecchia, the writings of Ignazio Panzavecchia, and other famaily papers. View now
Metadata from 580 volumes of the Archives of the Inquisition of Malta Acta Civilia of the Cathedral Archives of Mdina, Malta, have been added to vHMML Reading Room. The Civil Tribunal of the Inquisition handled cases of patentees of the Holy Office, which were under the jurisdiction of the Inquisitor and outside the jurisdiction of the courts established by the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem. The patentees were made up of three classes, officiali, who helped run the Holy Office, famigliari, friends of the Holy Office, and gabellotti, the Inquisitor's tenant farmers. The tribunal was headed by the Inquisitor. The manuscripts were microfilmed by the Malta Study Center as a private library during the 1970s. View now
Metadata from 36 volumes of the Fondo Gesuiti of the Cathedral Archives of Mdina, Malta, have been added to vHMML Reading Room. Records include account books and indices of the Collegio della Compagnia di Gesù, dating from 1631 to 1778. Records include account books prepared by Leopoldo Abbate after the expulsion of the Jesuits in 1768. The manuscripts were microfilmed by the Malta Study Center as a private library during the 1970s. View now
Metadata from 235 music manuscript from the Gauci Music Collection at the Cathedral Music Archives in Gozo have been added to vHMML Reading Room. The collection was donated to the Cathedral Museum Music Archives in 2004 August 14 by the joint owners Monsignor Anton Gauci (1925-2013), Monsignor Joseph Gauci (1932-), and Monsignor Giovanni-Bosco Gauci (1938-2017). The manuscripts were microfilmed by the Malta Study Center as a private library during the 1980s. Composers include Francesco Azopardi, Vincenzo Bondi, Giorgio Mercieca, Vincenzo Napoleone Mifsud, Cesare Vassallo, among others. View now
Metadata from 320 volumes of Series 5, Libri bullarum, 1346-1798, of the Archives of the Order of Malta housed in the National Library of Malta have been added to vHMML Reading Room. Records pertaining the activity of the Chancery of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes, and of Malta. Registers include copies or registration (libri bullarum) and minutes (libri minutarium) of magistral and conventual decrees concerning admissions, collations of priories, bailiwicks, and commanderies, dignities and titles, diplomatic correspondence, instructions for ambassadors and members of the Order, passports, and military and administrative matters. View now
Metadata from 181 volumes of Series 12, The Navy, ca. 1500-1798, of the Archives of the Order of Malta housed in the National Library of Malta have been added to vHMML Reading Room. Records pertaining the Congregation of the Galleys (Congregazione delle Galere) and the Congregation of the Vessels (Congregazione delle Navi) of the Order of St. John, of Jerusalem, of Rhodes, and of Malta. View now
Metadata for 256 records from the Stiftsbibliothek in Schlägl, Austria, is now in vHMML Reading Room. The collection includes microfilmed manuscripts [b&w and color] containing medieval and early modern theological and philosophical texts from the Premonstratensian monastic library and scientific texts of Bohemian humanist Johannes von Rabenstein. View now