Dayro D Mor Gabriel: HMML Repository
Dayro d-Mor Gabriel
Manuscripts of Mor Gabriel Monastery, a Syriac Orthodox institution in Tur Abdin, many copied in the 20th century. Collection includes numerous liturgical books along with a variety of theological and other treatises, mostly in Syriac.
- Collection
- Eastern Christian
- Country
- Turkey
- City
- Midyat
- Repository
- Dayro d-Mor Gabriel
- Project Codes
- Project Numbers
- MGMT 00001-00318
- Type
- Digital
- Active Catalog Records
- 317
- Digital Surrogates
- 318
- Date Preserved
- 2008-2010
- HMML Reading Room (sample record)
- HMML Authority File
- Languages
- Arabic, Syriac, Arabic Garshuni, Turkish, Turkish Garshuni
- Preservation Status
- Complete
- Cataloging Status
- Complete
- Collections News
- 250 manuscripts added