Early Modern England: HMML Special Collections

Early Modern England

Among the many items in Special Collections relating to early modern England are letters signed by Henry VIII and Elizabeth I, 16th-century editions of Froissart and Chaucer, as well as 17th-century publications of the works of William Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, Edmund Spenser, John Milton, and others. Historical works include chronicles edited by Raphael Holinshed and Richard Grafton.


Manuscripts/ Documents

  • Henry VIII, letter dated 1510 (Kritzeck Collection - SJRB 229)
  • Elizabeth I, letter dated 1575 (Kritzeck Collection - SJRB 230)
  • Charles I, letter dated 1643 (Kritzeck Collection - SJRB 231)

Printed Books

  • Mr. William Shakespeare’s Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies, London, 1632 (Shakespeare second folio)
  • Bacon, Francis. Of the Advancement and Proficience of Learning, Or, The Partitions of Sciences, IX Bookes, Oxford: R. Young & E. Forrest, 1640.
  • Beaumont, Francis, and John Fletcher. Comedies and Tragedies, London: H. Robinson… and H. Moseley, 1647.
  • Berthelet, Thomas. In This Volvme Are Conteined the Statutes Made and Establisshed [sic] from the Time of Kyng Henry the Thirde, Vnto the Fyrste Yere of the Reigne of Our Most Gratious and Victorious Soueraine Lorde King Henry the VIII, London: T. Berthelet, 1543.
  • The Holy Bible (King James Version), Cambridge: J. Field, 1660; also a London edition from 1657 and a different edition from 1660.
  • Biblia sacra polyglotta (London Polyglot or the Walton Polyglot), In six volumes. Ed. by Brian Walton, London: T. Roycroft, 1657.
  • Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Workes, Newlye Printed, wyth Dyuers Workes Whych Were Neuer in Print Before, London: Printed by W. Bonham, 1542.
  • Church of England. The Book of Common-Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments, London: His Majesty’s printers, 1662.
  • Copies of the Book of Common Prayer from the 17th and 18th centuries.
  • Church of Scotland. The Booke of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments, Edinburgh: R. Young, 1637.
  • Drayton, Michael. The Battaile Of Agincourt: Fought by Henry the Fifth of That Name, King of England, against the Whole Power of the French, London: W. Lee, 1627.
  • Froissart, Jean (Chronicles) Here begynnith the First Volum of Syr John Froissart, London: Imprinted by Wyllyam Myddylton, 1525-1545 (?).
  • Gaudin, John. Eikon Basilike. The Pourtraicture of His Sacred Majestie in His Solitudes and Sufferings, London: R. Royston, 1648; and a second edition of this work that bears a false imprint of 1649 on the title page (actually published in 1657).
  • Grafton, Richard. A Chronicle at Large, and Meere History of the Affayres of Englande, and Kinges of the Same, London: R. Tottyl and H. Toye, 1569.
  • Holinshed, Raphael, et al. (Chronicles) The Firste Volume of the Chronicles of England, Scotlande, and Irelande in two volumes, London: G. Bishop, 1577; and a second edition of 1587, which was the edition that influenced William Shakespeare.
  • Homer and George Chapman. The Iliads of Homer, Prince of Poets. Neuer before in Any Languag Truely Translated. With a Coment Vppon Some of His Chiefe Places, London, N.l Butter, 1615 (?); includes pp. 1-193 of his Odysse.
  • Jonson, Ben. The Workes of Beniamin Jonson, London: W. Stansby, 1616.
  • Littleton, Thomas. Les tenures de Monsieur Littleton, London: R. Tottell, 1588.
  • Marvell, Andrew. Miscellaneous Poems, London: R. Boulter, 1681. [bound with John Davies, Nosce Teipsum (1689)]
  • Milton, John. Paradise Lost, London: R. Bently and J. Tonson, 1688; Illustrated.
  • Paynell, Thomas. The Moste Excellent and Pleasaunt Booke, Entituled: The Treasurie of Amadis of Fraunce, London: T. Hacket, 1567 (?).
  • Raleigh, Walter. The Historie of the World, in Five Books, London: R. White, J. Place, and G. Dawes, 1666.
  • Raleigh, Walter. The Secrets of Government, and Misteries of State, Plainly Laid Open, in All the Several Forms of Government in the Christian World, London: J. Milton, 1697.
  • Saint German, Christopher. The Dialoges in English, Betwene a Docter of Diuinity, and a Student in the Lawes of England, Newly Corrected and Imprinted, with New Additions, London: R. Tottell, 1580.
  • Spenser, Edmund. The Faerie Queen, London: M. Lownes, 1611.

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