The Hill Museum & Manuscript Library Launches vHMML

October 16, 2015
The Hill Museum & Manuscript Library Launches vHMML

vHMMLThe Hill Museum & Manuscript Library is very excited to announce the launch of vHMML (“Virtual HMML”), an online environment for manuscript studies. Creation of vHMML has been supported by a National Leadership grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, with additional support from Arcadia Fund of London. You can read more about the whole project here.

You’ll find instruction in Latin and Syriac scripts in School, Latin, Arabic, and Syriac annotated images in Folio, answers to all of your terminological questions (“what IS rinceaux, anyway?”) in Lexicon, and lots of bibliography in Reference. For now vHMML will take you to our online catalog, OLIVER, but starting in early 2016 it will link to the new vHMML Reading Room where registered users will be able to browse thousands of complete manuscripts for free.

vHMML will be continually updated and enriched. Later this year there will be more Syriac lessons, including transcription practice, and in 2016 we’ll add Arabic and Armenian, and possibly other traditions.

Please have a look, and let us know your suggestions for improvement or additions:


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