Hill Museum & Manuscript Library Joins The Renaissance Society Of America

December 23, 2014
Hill Museum & Manuscript Library Joins the Renaissance Society of America

The Hill Museum & Manuscript Library (HMML) has just been named an Associate Organization of the Renaissance Society of America. The Renaissance Society of America (RSA) is the largest international society devoted to the study of the era 1300-1600 C.E. Founded in 1954, the RSA has over 6,000 international members who are faculty, graduate students, and postgraduate students at colleges and universities, as well as at museums, libraries, and cultural institutions; members also include independent scholars and many others interested in Renaissance studies.

“This new relationship strengthens resources and supports scholarship at HMML in a number of ways” said Dr. Daniel Gullo, curator of HMML’s Malta Study Center and HMML’s representative to the RSA. “RSA offers competitive grant opportunities for scholars and an annual conference with over 3,000 scholars in attendance. We look forward to participating in the annual conference, bringing Renaissance scholars to study our remarkable collections, and aiding the RSA Council.”

“Although HMML has traditionally been associated with the study of the Middle Ages, our digitized and microfilmed manuscripts from European, African, and Mediterranean libraries contain thousands of documents that support Renaissance studies. Our diverse collection supports the RSA’s journal, Renaissance Quarterly, which publishes articles in a variety of disciplines: Americas, art and architecture, book history, classical tradition, comparative literature, digital humanities, emblems, English literature, French literature, Germanic literature, Hebraica, Hispanic literature, history, humanism, Islamic world, Italian literature, legal and political thought, medicine and science, music, Neo-Latin literature, performing arts and theater, philosophy, rhetoric, and women and gender. These resources will complement HMML’s broad manuscript collections in the humanities and provide additional networking opportunities for scholars who use our collections. We are honored to be joining RSA’s network of scholars and academic organizations.” The Hill Museum & Manuscript Library is a global organization that advances manuscript research and scholarly inquiry by digitally preserving, providing access to, and interpreting manuscript collections from around the world. HMML places a special priority on manuscripts from regions endangered by war, political instability, or other threats.

For more information about HMML and RSA, please contact, Dr. Daniel Gullo, Joseph S. Micallef Curator of the Malta Study Center: 320-363-3993, dgullo@hmml.org.


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