Hill Museum & Manuscript Library Mentioned In December 2018 National Geographic Magazine

November 30, 2018
Hill Museum & Manuscript Library Mentioned in December 2018 National Geographic Magazine

Materials curated by the Hill Museum & Manuscript Library (HMML) at Saint John’s University in Collegeville, Minnesota are featured in the December 2018 issue of National Geographic magazine: “The Bible Hunters: inside the cloak-and-dagger search for sacred texts.” HMML executive director, Father Columba Stewart is mentioned; his photograph is included in the online version of the article. The article highlights the history of Bible hunting and includes nineteenth century figures like Constantine von Tischendorf and contemporary figures like Hobby Lobby’s president Steve Green.

Items from the HMML collections help illustrate the circulation of the Bible across centuries and cultural regions: from glimpses of the Bible in a Carolingian fragment of the Gospel of John to a fragment of a Coptic Psalter—both from the 9th century; from a beautiful Bible in many languages printed in Antwerp (1569-1573) to an 18th-century Ethiopian Psalter; and even from a late 13th-century Latin New Testament to The Saint John’s Bible of the 21st century.

Items mentioned in this text that are in vHMML: https://w3id.org/vhmml/readingRoom/view/510561 (Ethiopian Psalter) https://w3id.org/vhmml/readingRoom/view/510560 (late 13th-century New Testament in Latin)

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