HMML Becomes An Independent Nonprofit
July 1, 2023
HMML Becomes an Independent Nonprofit

As of July 1, 2023, HMML is operating as its own 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. HMML began in 1965 as a program of Saint John’s University in partnership with Saint John’s Abbey. The decision to become an independent nonprofit celebrates HMML’s evolution and stability—starting as a safe repository for microfilms of manuscripts held in Benedictine libraries across Europe, to today when digital preservation activities span 40 global regions, multiple faith traditions, and more than 90 languages.
HMML’s work continues to honor its history and ongoing relationships with its founding institutions. “This transition was fully supported by HMML’s Board, whose responsibilities change from advisory to a full governing role,” said Lyndel King, chair of HMML’s Board of Directors. “HMML has a long track record of financial stability—funding its own operations and building a $19 million endowment. This transition is an important step that better aligns governance and operations, all with the aim of ensuring HMML’s continued success well into the future.”
HMML’s commitment to preserving and sharing the world’s handwritten heritage remains unchanged, and operations will continue to be headquartered in Collegeville, Minnesota. Donors can expect little change in how donations are processed, using HMML’s new tax ID number. Fr. Columba Stewart, executive director of HMML, added: “It’s an exciting time. We are grateful for the 60 years of partnerships that made it possible for HMML to flourish. Our new organizational structure is built on that solid foundation.”